Winters Rock Entertainment is producing a new documentary, Letters to Liam, with professional MMA fighter Marcus Kowal.
Letters to Liam is an inspirational expose documentary that follows MMA fighter Marcus Kowal and his wife Mishel as they navigate life and attempt to change the mentality and laws surrounding drinking and driving after the tragic loss of their fifteen month old son Liam.
The main storyline follows Marcus and Mishel’s as they navigate a flawed justice system, attempt to create a real change in Liam’s name, and find a way to move forward with life. Only ten months after Liam’s death, Mishel is preparing to give birth to their second child, and although this is a light at the end of a dark tunnel, they are still dealing with the loss of Liam. Marcus deals with this in the only way he knows how, with the aggressive pursuit of change that is fueled by the fighter within. He spends every ounce of his energy raising awareness and sharing his story in the hope that no other parent will have to go through what he and Mishel have gone through.
Marcus & Mishel are meeting with lawmakers, community leaders, tech gurus, and leading entrepreneurs in an attempt to implement real change in Liam’s name.
The film follows their journey as they navigate the murky waters of a tragedy that no one would ever want to face. From the incomprehensible pain of losing a child, to the euphoria of giving birth to a second child, the film explorers the ability of the the human mind to overcome even the greatest of obstacles. Through Marcus, Mishel, and the friends and family that surround them, we experience this tragedy and joy from a unique and intimate perspective. The strength, grace, and humor that they personify through this ordeal surpasses the tragic nature of the subject, and with compelling interviews from the individuals that have been affected by this tragedy coupled with gripping scenes including MMA fights, courtroom sentencing and testimonials, attempts to change the laws, world records attempts to raise awareness for their cause, to an actual live C-section birth, Letters to Liam delivers a heartfelt, compelling, and entertaining look at an ongoing problem that rips at the fabric of our culture.